Executive Creative Director

My Story

Man’s mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes

My unconventional career path began in digital. I discovered that websites were the key to defining how a brand thinks, communicates, and behaves. In the beginning, it was the absolute freedom to explore and discover. UX design and best practices didn’t exist because we were still defining them.

With the proliferation of digital, social media, and experiential marketing, it’s again a wide-open road. Almost anything is possible. And because social media has democratized brands, it’s not about smoke and mirrors anymore. Instead, it’s about a big idea that conveys a profound truth, inspiring people to tell the world about it.

Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
— John Steinbeck

My background has given me a unique perspective in terms of understanding brands, businesses and ideas, and people. I find no greater joy than identifying different breeds of talent and fostering their growth. Today’s creative pool goes way beyond the classic definition of an art director and copywriter. I understand this because I’m a bit of a hybrid too.

Regarding my leadership approach, I believe in a high-trust work environment. This can only be achieved by finding the best talent, providing a compelling and inspirational vision of what needs to be done, and encouraging these individuals to reach these goals by using their unique skills and talents in any way they choose.